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Explore some of our most recent thinking below. If you want to discuss any of our blogs or reports please get in touch with us, and we will be happy to speak with you.

Tim Boyd
Nov 18, 2024
The importance of regional electricity trading arrangements
In Africa, efforts have been made to establish regional power pools for many years, but the volumes of power traded on power pools...

Tim Boyd
Oct 2, 2024
Optimising the use of storage in LMIC power systems
Global energy systems have started a transition from polluting fossil-based energy sources to low-carbon alternatives. At the same time,...

Tim Boyd
Jul 31, 2024
The impact of corporate procurement of renewables in developing countries
Vietnam’s direct power purchase agreement as an example of a growing trend Vietnam has recently finalised its direct power purchase...

Katrina Dasalla
Jun 11, 2023
How does commercial and industrial consumption grow as countries develop?
Last summer, Kuungana Advisory published the blog, “Why does household electricity demand not grow in some developing countries?” In...

Katrina Dasalla
Jun 15, 2022
Why does household electricity demand not grow in some developing countries?
Recent analysis shows household growth in demand for electricity remaining stubbornly low in some less developed countries. This has been...

Stephen Nash
Oct 19, 2021
A policy trilemma for energy access?
Rapid technological change and cost reduction has transformed the drive towards increasing access to clean and affordable energy in...

Stephen Nash
Oct 21, 2020
The impact of the global recession on reaching SDG 7
As increasing amounts of data become available, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on efforts to improve energy access in less...

Stephen Nash
Oct 21, 2020
Designing sustainable subsidies to accelerate universal energy access
Building on previous work, Kuungana Advisory has recently been working with Tearfund, a UK-based relief and development agency, to...

Stephen Nash
Jul 20, 2020
Quality and cost reduction in the off-grid solar sector
Earlier in 2020, GOGLA published a new report titled “Pricing Quality: Cost Drivers and Value-Add in the Off-Grid Solar Sector”. The...

Stephen Nash
Jan 29, 2020
The importance of electricity trading to driving green growth in Africa
According to the latest Tracking SDG 7 data from SE4All, we still live in a world where only 44% of people across sub-Saharan Africa...

Stephen Nash
Sep 22, 2019
A Whole System Approach for the energy sector
All too often it is easy to miss the connections between the different issues that we tackle in the energy sector. Kuungana Advisory has...

Stephen Nash
May 7, 2019
Is there a looming African electricity demand crunch?
There is increasing discussion of the potential for over-supply of utility-scale electricity generation capacity across many of the...

Stephen Nash
Dec 10, 2018
An agile approach to energy access
We know that subsidies and cross-subsidies will be required to achieve SDG7: Universal access to clean and affordable energy. Some of the...

Stephen Nash
Nov 20, 2018
Utility tariffs: financial sustainability vs. cost reflectivity
Initial reactions to the title of this blog? Surely we can talk about financial sustainability and cost reflectivity interchangeably,...

Stephen Nash
Jun 26, 2018
Complex cooking – why have we not yet cracked one of the most critical parts of the energy access pu
Significant progress has been made in recent years in increasing the role of renewable energy in Africa. In several countries...

Stephen Nash
Apr 23, 2018
The mini-grid tariff dilemma – a political choice
There are lots of challenges facing mini-grid developers in Africa, and – as yet – their potential remains unfulfilled. At the heart of...

Stephen Nash
Apr 9, 2018
Behind-the-meter renewables in Africa
In European and North American markets consumers (especially large industrial and commercial consumers) are increasingly producing their...
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